Source code for aliyun.log.logclient

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (C) Alibaba Cloud Computing
# All rights reserved.

import sys
import requests
    import json
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json
from datetime import datetime
from log_logs_pb2 import LogGroup
from aliyun.log.util import Util
from aliyun.log.logexception import LogException
from aliyun.log.getlogsresponse import GetLogsResponse
from aliyun.log.putlogsresponse import PutLogsResponse
from aliyun.log.listtopicsresponse import ListTopicsResponse
from aliyun.log.listlogstoresresponse import ListLogstoresResponse
from aliyun.log.gethistogramsresponse import GetHistogramsResponse

from aliyun.log.logstore_config_response import CreateLogStoreResponse
from aliyun.log.logstore_config_response import DeleteLogStoreResponse
from aliyun.log.logstore_config_response import GetLogStoreResponse
from aliyun.log.logstore_config_response import UpdateLogStoreResponse
from aliyun.log.logstore_config_response import ListLogStoreResponse

from aliyun.log.pulllog_response import PullLogResponse
from aliyun.log.cursor_response import GetCursorResponse

from aliyun.log.index_config_response import CreateIndexResponse
from aliyun.log.index_config_response import UpdateIndexResponse
from aliyun.log.index_config_response import DeleteIndexResponse
from aliyun.log.index_config_response import GetIndexResponse

from aliyun.log.logtail_config_response import CreateLogtailConfigResponse
from aliyun.log.logtail_config_response import UpdateLogtailConfigResponse
from aliyun.log.logtail_config_response import DeleteLogtailConfigResponse
from aliyun.log.logtail_config_response import GetLogtailConfigResponse
from aliyun.log.logtail_config_response import ListLogtailConfigResponse

from aliyun.log.machinegroup_response import CreateMachineGroupResponse
from aliyun.log.machinegroup_response import UpdateMachineGroupResponse
from aliyun.log.machinegroup_response import DeleteMachineGroupResponse
from aliyun.log.machinegroup_response import GetMachineGroupResponse
from aliyun.log.machinegroup_response import ListMachineGroupResponse

from aliyun.log.machinegroup_response import ListMachinesResponse
from aliyun.log.machinegroup_response import ApplyConfigToMachineGroupResponse
from aliyun.log.machinegroup_response import RemoveConfigToMachineGroupResponse
from aliyun.log.machinegroup_response import GetMachineGroupAppliedConfigResponse
from aliyun.log.machinegroup_response import GetConfigAppliedMachineGroupsResponse

from aliyun.log.shard_response import ListShardResponse

API_VERSION = '0.6.0'
USER_AGENT = 'log-python-sdk-v-0.6.0'

LogClient class is the main class in the SDK. It can be used to communicate with 
log service server to put/get data.

:Author: log_dev

[docs]class LogClient(object): """ Construct the LogClient with endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKey. :type endpoint: string :param endpoint: log service host name, for example, :type accessKeyId: string :param accessKeyId: aliyun accessKeyId :type accessKey: string :param accessKey: aliyun accessKey """ __version__ = API_VERSION Version = __version__ def __init__(self, endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKey): if isinstance(endpoint, unicode): # ensure is ascii str endpoint = endpoint.encode('ascii') if isinstance(accessKeyId, unicode): accessKeyId = accessKeyId.encode('ascii') if isinstance(accessKey, unicode): accessKey = accessKey.encode('ascii') self._isRowIp = True self._port = 80 self._setendpoint(endpoint) self._accessKeyId = accessKeyId self._accessKey = accessKey self._timeout = CONNECTION_TIME_OUT self._source = Util.get_host_ip(self._logHost) def _setendpoint(self, endpoint): pos = endpoint.find('://') if pos != -1: endpoint = endpoint[pos + 3:] # strip http:// pos = endpoint.find('/') if pos != -1: endpoint = endpoint[:pos] pos = endpoint.find(':') if pos != -1: self._port = int(endpoint[pos + 1:]) endpoint = endpoint[:pos] self._isRowIp = Util.is_row_ip(endpoint) self._logHost = endpoint self._endpoint = endpoint + ':' + str(self._port) def _getGMT(self): return datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') def _loadJson(self, respText, requestId): if not respText: return None try: return json.loads(respText) except: raise LogException('BadResponse', 'Bad json format:\n%s' % respText, requestId) def _getHttpResponse(self, method, url, params, body, headers): # ensure method, url, body is str try : headers['User-Agent'] = USER_AGENT r = None if method.lower() == 'get' : r = requests.get(url, params = params, data = body, headers = headers, timeout = self._timeout) elif method.lower() == 'post': r =, params = params, data = body, headers = headers, timeout = self._timeout) elif method.lower() == 'put': r = requests.put(url, params = params, data = body, headers = headers, timeout = self._timeout) elif method.lower() == 'delete': r = requests.delete(url, params = params, data = body, headers = headers, timeout = self._timeout) return (r.status_code, r.content, r.headers) except Exception, ex: raise LogException('LogRequestError', str(ex)) def _sendRequest(self, method, url, params, body, headers, respons_body_type = 'json'): (status, respText, respHeader) = self._getHttpResponse(method, url, params, body, headers) header = {} for key, value in respHeader.items(): header[key] = value requestId = header['x-log-requestid'] if 'x-log-requestid' in header else '' exJson = None header = Util.convert_unicode_to_str(header) if status == 200 : if respons_body_type == 'json' : exJson = self._loadJson(respText.encode('utf-8'), requestId) exJson = Util.convert_unicode_to_str(exJson) return (exJson, header) else : return (respText, header) exJson = self._loadJson(respText.encode('utf-8'), requestId) exJson = Util.convert_unicode_to_str(exJson) if 'errorCode' in exJson and 'errorMessage' in exJson: raise LogException(exJson['errorCode'], exJson['errorMessage'], requestId) else: exJson = '. Return json is '+str(exJson) if exJson else '.' raise LogException('LogRequestError', 'Request is failed. Http code is '+str(status)+exJson, requestId) def _send(self, method, project, body, resource, params, headers, respons_body_type ='json'): if body: headers['Content-Length'] = len(body) headers['Content-MD5'] = Util.cal_md5(body) else: headers['Content-Length'] = 0 headers["x-log-bodyrawsize"] = 0 headers['x-log-apiversion'] = API_VERSION headers['x-log-signaturemethod'] = 'hmac-sha1' url = '' if self._isRowIp: url = "http://" + self._endpoint else: url = "http://" + project + "." + self._endpoint headers['Host'] = project + "." + self._logHost headers['Date'] = self._getGMT() signature = Util.get_request_authorization(method, resource, self._accessKey, params, headers) headers['Authorization'] = "LOG " + self._accessKeyId + ':' + signature url = url + resource return self._sendRequest(method, url, params, body, headers, respons_body_type)
[docs] def get_unicode(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): key = unicode(key, 'utf-8') return key
[docs] def put_logs(self, request): """ Put logs to log service. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type request: PutLogsRequest :param request: the PutLogs request parameters class :return: PutLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ if len(request.get_log_items()) > 4096: raise LogException('InvalidLogSize', "logItems' length exceeds maximum limitation: 4096 lines.") logGroup = LogGroup() logGroup.Topic = request.get_topic() if request.get_source(): logGroup.Source = request.get_source() else: if self._source=='': self._source = Util.get_host_ip(request.get_project() + '.' + self._logHost) logGroup.Source = self._source for logItem in request.get_log_items(): log = logGroup.Logs.add() log.Time = logItem.get_time() contents = logItem.get_contents() for key, value in contents: content = log.Contents.add() content.Key = self.get_unicode(key) content.Value = self.get_unicode(value) body = logGroup.SerializeToString() if len(body) > 3 * 1024 * 1024: # 3 MB raise LogException('InvalidLogSize', "logItems' size exceeds maximum limitation: 3 MB.") headers = {} headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = len(body) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-protobuf' params = {} logstore = request.get_logstore() project = request.get_project() resource = '/logstores/' + logstore respHeaders = self._send('POST', project, body, resource, params, headers) return PutLogsResponse(respHeaders[1])
[docs] def list_logstores(self, request): """ List all logstores of requested project. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type request: ListLogstoresRequest :param request: the ListLogstores request parameters class. :return: ListLogStoresResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = '/logstores' project = request.get_project() (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) return ListLogstoresResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def list_topics(self, request): """ List all topics in a logstore. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type request: ListTopicsRequest :param request: the ListTopics request parameters class. :return: ListTopicsResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} if request.get_token()!=None: params['token'] = request.get_token() if request.get_line()!=None: params['line'] = request.get_line() params['type'] = 'topic' logstore = request.get_logstore() project = request.get_project() resource = "/logstores/" + logstore (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) return ListTopicsResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_histograms(self, request): """ Get histograms of requested query from log service. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type request: GetHistogramsRequest :param request: the GetHistograms request parameters class. :return: GetHistogramsResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} if request.get_topic()!=None: params['topic'] = request.get_topic() if request.get_from()!=None: params['from'] = request.get_from() if request.get_to()!=None: params['to'] = request.get_to() if request.get_query()!=None: params['query'] = request.get_query() params['type'] = 'histogram' logstore = request.get_logstore() project = request.get_project() resource = "/logstores/" + logstore (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) return GetHistogramsResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_logs(self, request): """ Get logs from log service. Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type request: GetLogsRequest :param request: the GetLogs request parameters class. :return: GetLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} if request.get_topic()!=None: params['topic'] = request.get_topic() if request.get_from()!=None: params['from'] = request.get_from() if request.get_to()!=None: params['to'] = request.get_to() if request.get_query()!=None: params['query'] = request.get_query() params['type'] = 'log' if request.get_line()!=None: params['line'] = request.get_line() if request.get_offset()!=None: params['offset'] = request.get_offset() if request.get_reverse()!=None: params['reverse'] = 'true' if request.get_reverse() else 'false' logstore = request.get_logstore() project = request.get_project() resource = "/logstores/" + logstore (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project, None, resource, params, headers) return GetLogsResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_cursor(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, start_time) : """ Get cursor from log service for batch pull logs Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :type start_time: int :param start_time: the start time of cursor, e.g 1441093445 :return: GetLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards/" + str(shard_id) params['type'] = 'cursor' params['from'] = str(start_time) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetCursorResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_begin_cursor(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id) : """ Get begin cursor from log service for batch pull logs Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :return: GetLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ return self.get_cursor(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, "begin")
[docs] def get_end_cursor(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id) : """ Get end cursor from log service for batch pull logs Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :return: GetLogsResponse :raise: LogException """ return self.get_cursor(project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, "end")
[docs] def pull_logs(self, project_name, logstore_name, shard_id, cursor, count = 1000): """ batch pull log data from log service Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type shard_id: int :param shard_id: the shard id :type cursor: string :param cursor: the start to cursor to get data :type count: int :param count: the required pull log package count, default 1000 packages :return: PullLogResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} headers['Accept-Encoding'] = '' headers['Accept'] = 'application/x-protobuf' params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards/" + str(shard_id) params['type'] = 'log' params['cursor'] = cursor params['count'] = str(count) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers, "binary") return PullLogResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def create_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name, ttl, shard_count): """ create log store Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type ttl: int :param ttl: the life cycle of log in the logstore in days :type shard_count: int :param shard_count: the shard count of the logstore to create :return: CreateLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} headers["x-log-bodyrawsize"] = 0 headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" resource = "/logstores" body = {} body["logstoreName"] = logstore_name.encode("utf-8"); body["ttl"] = (int)(ttl); body["shardCount"] = (int)(shard_count); body_str = json.dumps(body); (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project_name, body_str, resource, params, headers) return CreateLogStoreResponse(header)
[docs] def delete_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name): """ delete log store Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :return: DeleteLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name (resp, header) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteLogStoreResponse(header)
[docs] def get_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name): """ get the logstore meta info Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :return: GetLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetLogStoreResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def update_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name, ttl, shard_count): """ update the logstore meta info Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type ttl: int :param ttl: the life cycle of log in the logstore in days :type shard_count: int :param shard_count: the shard count of the logstore to create :return: UpdateLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} headers["x-log-bodyrawsize"] = 0 headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name body = {} body["logstoreName"] = logstore_name body["ttl"] = (int)(ttl); body["shardCount"] = (int)(shard_count); body_str = json.dumps(body); (resp, header) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body_str, resource, params, headers) return UpdateLogStoreResponse(header)
[docs] def list_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name_pattern = None, offset = 0, size = 100) : """ list the logstore in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name_pattern: string :param logstore_name_pattern: the sub name logstore, used for the server to return logstore names contain this sub name :type offset: int :param offset: the offset of all the matched names :type size: int :param size: the max return names count :return: ListLogStoreResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores" if logstore_name_pattern != None : params['logstorename'] = logstore_name_pattern params['offset'] = str(offset) params['size'] = str(size) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListLogStoreResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def list_shards(self, project_name, logstore_name) : """ list the shard meta of a logstore Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :return: ListShardResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/shards" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListShardResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def create_index(self, project_name, logstore_name, index_detail) : """ create index for a logstore Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type index_detail: index_config.IndexConfig :param index_detail: the index config detail used to create index :return: CreateIndexResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/index" headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = json.dumps(index_detail.to_json()) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = len(body) (resp, header) = self._send("POST", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return CreateIndexResponse(header)
[docs] def update_index(self, project_name, logstore_name, index_detail) : """ update index for a logstore Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :type index_detail: index_config.IndexConfig :param index_detail: the index config detail used to update index :return: UpdateIndexResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/index" headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = json.dumps(index_detail.to_json()) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = len(body) (resp, header) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return UpdateIndexResponse(header)
[docs] def delete_index(self, project_name, logstore_name) : """ delete index of a logstore Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :return: DeleteIndexResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/index" (resp, header) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteIndexResponse(header)
[docs] def get_index_config(self, project_name , logstore_name) : """ get index config detail of a logstore Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type logstore_name: string :param logstore_name: the logstore name :return: GetIndexResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/logstores/" + logstore_name + "/index" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetIndexResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def create_logtail_config(self, project_name, config_detail) : """ create logtail config in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_detail: logtail_config_detail.CommonRegLogConfigDetail :param config_detail: the logtail config detail info, the CommonRegLogConfigDetail is used to create common regex logs :return: CreateLogtailConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs" headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = json.dumps(config_detail.to_json()) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = len(body) (resp, headers) = self._send("POST", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return CreateLogtailConfigResponse(headers)
[docs] def update_logtail_config(self, project_name, config_detail) : """ update logtail config in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_detail: logtail_config_detail.CommonRegLogConfigDetail :param config_detail: the logtail config detail info, the CommonRegLogConfigDetail is used to create common regex logs :return: UpdateLogtailConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs/" + config_detail.config_name headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = json.dumps(config_detail.to_json()) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = len(body) (resp, headers) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return UpdateLogtailConfigResponse(headers)
[docs] def delete_logtail_config(self, project_name, config_name): """ delete logtail config in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_name: string :param config_name: the logtail config name :return: DeleteLogtailConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs/" + config_name (resp, headers) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteLogtailConfigResponse(headers)
[docs] def get_logtail_config(self, project_name, config_name) : """ get logtail config in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_name: string :param config_name: the logtail config name :return: GetLogtailConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs/" + config_name (resp, headers) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetLogtailConfigResponse(resp, headers)
[docs] def list_logtail_config(self, project_name, offset = 0, size = 100) : """ list logtail config name in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type offset: int :param offset: the offset of all config names :type size: int :param size: the max return names count :return: ListLogtailConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs" params['offset'] = str(offset) params['size'] = str(size) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListLogtailConfigResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def create_machine_group(self, project_name, group_detail) : """ create machine group in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_detail: machine_group_detail.MachineGroupDetail :param group_detail: the machine group detail config :return: CreateMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups" headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = json.dumps(group_detail.to_json()) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = len(body) (resp, headers) = self._send("POST", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return CreateMachineGroupResponse(headers)
[docs] def delete_machine_group(self, project_name, group_name): """ delete machine group in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_name: string :param group_name: the group name :return: DeleteMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name (resp, headers) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return DeleteMachineGroupResponse(headers)
[docs] def update_machine_group(self, project_name, group_detail) : """ update machine group in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_detail: machine_group_detail.MachineGroupDetail :param group_detail: the machine group detail config :return: UpdateMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_detail.group_name headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' body = json.dumps(group_detail.to_json()) headers['x-log-bodyrawsize'] = len(body) (resp, headers) = self._send("PUT", project_name, body, resource, params, headers) return UpdateMachineGroupResponse(headers)
[docs] def get_machine_group(self, project_name, group_name) : """ get machine group in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_name: string :param group_name: the group name to get :return: GetMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name (resp, headers) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetMachineGroupResponse(resp, headers)
[docs] def list_machine_group(self, project_name, offset = 0, size = 100) : """ list machine group names in a project Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type offset: int :param offset: the offset of all group name :type size: int :param size: the max return names count :return: ListMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups" params['offset'] = str(offset) params['size'] = str(size) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListMachineGroupResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def list_machines(self, project_name, group_name, offset = 0, size = 100) : """ list machines in a machine group Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_name: string :param group_name: the group name to list :type offset: int :param offset: the offset of all group name :type size: int :param size: the max return names count :return: ListMachinesResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name + "/machines" params['offset'] = str(offset) params['size'] = str(size) (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ListMachinesResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def apply_config_to_machine_group(self, project_name, config_name, group_name) : """ apply a logtail config to a machine group Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_name: string :param config_name: the logtail config name to apply :type group_name: string :param group_name: the machine group name :return: ApplyConfigToMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name + "/configs/" + config_name (resp, header) = self._send("PUT", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return ApplyConfigToMachineGroupResponse(header)
[docs] def remove_config_to_machine_group(self, project_name, config_name, group_name) : """ remove a logtail config to a machine group Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_name: string :param config_name: the logtail config name to apply :type group_name: string :param group_name: the machine group name :return: RemoveConfigToMachineGroupResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name + "/configs/" + config_name (resp, header) = self._send("DELETE", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return RemoveConfigToMachineGroupResponse(header)
[docs] def get_machine_group_applied_configs(self, project_name, group_name): """ get the logtail config names applied in a machine group Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type group_name: string :param group_name: the group name list :return: GetMachineGroupAppliedConfigResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/machinegroups/" + group_name + "/configs" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetMachineGroupAppliedConfigResponse(resp, header)
[docs] def get_config_applied_machine_groups(self, project_name, config_name): """ get machine group names where the logtail config applies to Unsuccessful opertaion will cause an LogException. :type project_name: string :param project_name: the Project name :type config_name: string :param config_name: the logtail config name used to apply :return: GetConfigAppliedMachineGroupsResponse :raise: LogException """ headers = {} params = {} resource = "/configs/" + config_name + "/machinegroups" (resp, header) = self._send("GET", project_name, None, resource, params, headers) return GetConfigAppliedMachineGroupsResponse(resp, header)